since I returned from Ghana in August 2011, God has been speaking to me about
being a blooming flower. It all started when He gave a word to someone at His
Hands and Feet Christian Ministry for me. *Note: When I say God gave me a word, it means that someone asked God “What
do you have to say to/about Katie and how can I encourage her?” They are
written as if it is God speaking directly to you. Some of you have received a
word from me. If you haven’t, hopefully you will sometime. I am expecting to
grow in this prophetic gift during my time in YWAM. A word can be prophetic in that it is foretelling something that will
happen, or it can simply be a piece of encouragement in the present. Anyways,
in this case, the person didn’t ask for a word for me specifically but God knew
I needed encouragement and so he chose to reveal to them that I needed a word
and bless me by speaking through this person. The following is the word I
received on 8/27/12.
Katie, you are a blooming flower & my sun &
son shines upon your face. Keep looking to me for all the answers you seek. I
see your heart, it is so tender and malleable. My hands are molding it &
shaping it into what I want. Don’t let the cares of the world harden your
heart. Your heart is always in my hands & I am always shaping it &
molding it. Let the rain of my Holy Spirit drench you & fill you up. I want
to fill you up with my love. You have your whole life to live before me. You
will make plans but I will set the course of your life. Your roots go deep
& long & they represent the people you will touch in your life. Masses
of people will be touched by the beauty of your heart & love. Your life is
an open book & I am writing the words in it. The words I write about you
are so beautiful. Your smile is a glimpse of my light. Keep smiling &
showing this light of mine to the world.
person who gave me this word from the Lord said that she particularly saw a
daisy. After that, I purchased a personal size Bible with a daisy on it because
it was so special to me and reminded me of this blooming flower. Since God said
I was a blooming flower, I knew that I was growing at this time. After this I
received a picture from a friend as a gift for my birthday. At this time, this
friend and I barely knew each other. God has given her the gift of prophetic
art. (She asks God for a picture for someone and then asks Him what it means) The
picture she gave me is below.

When my
friend gave me this prophetic art, she explained to me the process by which God
gave her this picture and the word behind it. She began by saying that I am blooming flower. Then she said that
she was going back and forth between whether she was going to make the flower
yellow or red. She wanted to color it yellow, but God kept telling her to color
it red. She said she believes that I see
myself as a yellow flower. I see myself as bright, joyful, happy, etc. But God
sees me as a red flower, filled with love. *This is important to remember
when you read further!
And so,
I began noticing flowers more often and looking at them completely differently
than ever before. I noticed how they are connected to the vine and planted in
the ground. I thought about how their roots are planted below and invisible to
the eye. I noticed the beauty in flowers like never before. In a garden, some
flowers are taller than others and some contain many flowers while others have
very little. I also observed that some flowers are dead. I thought about how
flowers need water and sunlight to survive. All this helped me connect the
physical realm of flowers to the spiritual realm of how God sees me as a
blooming flower. Here are some photos I took as I was walking the dogs one day.
receiving all of the above, I continued to “bloom” spiritually. I asked God
further about the words and pictures He had given me. He continued to speak to
me about this over the last 8 months, however I do not have all of my journals
in front of me J When I was at a Prophetic
Teaching in Irvine, we did a prophetic exercise at our table and I was given
more words. One friend saw an orange
flower that was growing very fast. Fast forward to preparation for Israel
trip at a team meeting. My friend who is prophetic artist encouraged each of us
to ask God for a picture and to draw it. She left out drawing paper and colored
pencils. God gave me a picture and I decided to attempt to draw what I saw when
I got home. As I was walking home the kids from school that I was babysitting,
I noticed a beautiful orange flower that looked similar to the picture God gave
me so I also took a photo of that.
As I
began to draw what I saw and ask God about it, he showed me His interpretation
of my picture. The soil was brown with many
roots. It was strong, firm, had a solid
foundation, and deep roots. The stem was very long and tall. On the stem I
wrote growing. The flower petals were
orange and the center of the flower
was black. (I think this is similar to a California Poppy) Then I saw the
flower getting watered, but it wasn’t from the rain. That was part of it, but
the main thing that stood out to me was a watering can above the flower. On the
watering can I wrote my responsibility.
And at the very top of my picture was the sun on the right and the clouds on
the left. I believe God told me that I am a tall, bright orange flower that is
still growing. My roots are strong, firm, secure, and deep. I am planted on a
solid foundation of soil. It is my responsibility to water my flower. I know
this seems strange, that I am the flower and also the watering can, but it
makes sense. Spiritually speaking, I am responsible for the amount of growth
that happens in my life. I am responsible for balancing the amount of sun (Word
of God) and water (God’s presence) that pours onto me. I will grow more and at
a faster pace when I am pouring both the Word of God and His Presence on me
daily. If I choose not to be in God’s Word or Presence, I am the only one who
can take the blame for feeling “dry” or letting the flower die or stop growing.
I need an equal amount of God’s Word and His Presence or one will overpower the
other. It is important to have both in order to grow. In the same way, a flower
cannot have too much water or too much sun or it won’t be able to keep growing.
And now
for the grand finale…My trip to Israel and the big deal about the red and
yellow flowers. J My friend who is the prophetic
artist and gave me the picture for my birthday was also my roommate on this
trip. She and I prayed together on the first night in our hotel. She received a
picture of two flowers- one yellow and one red. She saw tulips. Then she saw a
beaming light coming up from me straight to God. I was amazed at how much light
was shining from me to God. After she saw the red and yellow flower, she saw a
field of red and yellow flowers. It reminded me of the prophetic art she gave
me back in October. No joke, when she finished praying and sharing this with
me, I thought to myself “How cool would
it be if we saw fields of red and yellow flowers everywhere in Israel on this
trip?” I had no idea if we would see any…and then we were driving and she
saw a pasture of yellow flowers with some red flowers in it as we were getting
on a freeway. We thought I missed my exciting chance to see them, but we were
wrong! They were everywhere! J I was
so excited.

For some
reason, I’ve always wanted pictures laying in a field of flowers. And how cool
that God gave me the opportunity to do so in Israel?!? So, here are some photos
from our first day at Mount Carmel. The reason this was so special to me is
because to me, it represented God’s love
for me. I asked God about it and believe that the picture my friend had of
me was God saying that He knows my heart and loves me no matter what. He loves
me even when I mess up. He loves my heart. And, I also believe He was telling
me that I’ve bloomed. And, now I get to enter into the season of spring which
is symbolic of blessing. Not just blessing, but abundant blessing, hence the
abundance of red and yellow flowers. I continued to see at least one red and
yellow flower everyday throughout the rest of my time in Israel.
After sharing
this story with my team on the bus, one of them noted that the colors inside of
our bus were red and yellow. One night we celebrated Chabot at a Jewish
family’s house and on the table setting was candy in a little bag. One of the
candy’s was a heart that was half red and half yellow. At the end of the night,
I was collecting them from various team members and some were giving theirs to
me. The next day, two sweet guys on my team, left me a container full of red
and yellow candy hearts on my seat on the bus. Another time, a woman picked a
red rose for me and gave it to me. God was just constantly showing me how much
He loves me on this trip.
*Red and
yellow tulips were located where the Garden Tomb was.
Since I’ve
arrived in Hawaii for YWAM, the Lord has continued to show me the colors red and yellow, more specifically in the flowers.
Island Breezers dancing with red and yellow props |
.jpg) |
A postcard! |
A bracelet I bought myself to wear daily in honor of God's love for me. It through Threads of Hope |
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