"When God wants to change us, he often takes us on a journey" - Dr. Stephen Hayner
Journey: the act of traveling from one place to another; figuratively, a passage through life
These words were pointed out to me from the book a friend was reading as we began our
journey to Africa on the first flight. The timing was impecable as I literally just wrote in my journal for Africa "The
journey begins today!" And so, I'd like to say that my
journey began on September 2, 2010 when I departed to Africa with my team consisting of 9 people from 5 different churches, 6 boys and 3 girls. I can write so much about my experience during this trip, but it would be too long for this post. Please feel free to email me or talk to me if you'd like to hear more about the first part of my
Before I can begin discussing about how this
journey is continuing, I must fill you in on a little insight from the September 2010 trip to Africa. I had a great time on the trip, but it was also very
challenging. I was sick the entire travel home (48 hours, basically) and for one week after I got home...plus I felt extremely homesick the last couple of days in Africa. I wasn't sure I'd go back at all, let alone this soon, but God has completely
transformed my heart towards Africa.

And so, this is how my
journey beings
again, or some may say
continues. About one month ago, my friend and I had the opportunity to speak at a Women's Dinner about our experience on the trip and it was then that I realized the
passion on my
heart for Africa and a
strong desire to
return. This is when I began praying about whether or not I should go
again this summer with Cross Connection Outreach (CCO). Once I began seeking God's guidance in this decision, I started noticing
confirmations from Him. Here are a some cool things that have been happening. I get an
overwhelming joy when I talk about Africa. A family member gave me
$100.00 to be
used toward my
next trip to Africa. Two people mentioned that if
money is my only
hindrance, then
God has the ultimate
HUGE bank account and
always provides. My friend's and my message at the Women's Dinner was
"Fear Not, Just Go." She said all you need to do is
sign-up, and
God will take care of the rest. My own words for this speech were
God will provide everything else you need to go on the trip, especially finances. God will give you the money in incredible ways that you would least expect. A woman from church said
"I always hear 'Africa' when I see you". A couple of things stood out to me when reading in 2 Chronicles 19 and 20:
"Act with courage. Seek help from the Lord. Do not be afraid or discouraged..." A friend of mine said "The first
act of
faith is
stepping out." My
parents gave me
permission to
go. The
founder of CCO wrote me a
thank-you note with animal print on it, and I noticed the card right when I was talking with a friend about Africa. God provided me with
more babysitting jobs. I received a
check in the
mail from a family friend for graduation and on the check it said
'With God, all things are possible'. I needed this money to complete my deposit. The same day I received this check, a friend shared with me
'Where God guides, He provides', Jehovah Jireh. After adding up all of the money God provided for me, I had $77.00
more than the deposit amount. Today, I found $78.00 in an envelope that was not labeled, and I cannot remember when I saved it or what it was for.

Another great thing about this
journey is that both times I've been able to go to Africa with a friend. Last year, I went with my friend Danielle and her fiance, Dj. (They are now married) This year, my friend Brianna is joining me as God has placed it on her heart to go, and of course He's so awesome that His timing for us would be to go on the same team before we even discussed it. Here are some photos of Brianna and I with our deposit money and our forms that we filled out to make our trip to Africa in 2011 official! :)

Based on all of the above, you can clearly see that God wants me to continue on this journey and go to Africa this summer with CCO. I am so excited because I know He has a purpose for me on this trip. The dates are not set yet, but I plan to go at the end of June-beginning of July. I am completely relying on God to pave the way for me financially, and He revealed to me that He will provide the rest of the money I need for this trip by providing more money than needed for the deposit . The total cost is of the trip $3,650 not including the additional $2,500 for Talking Bibles. I am only responsible for the $3,650, but we bring the Talking Bibles in our suitcases, and as God provided the money for those last year for me, I expect Him to do the same this year. I am not working, only babysitting when jobs come my way. I will begin Student Teaching in January until June, and this is full-time teaching, but it is unpaid. I cannot wait to see God provide the money for this trip for me in incredible ways.

One interesting thing that I remembered is something I said at previous team meetings for the September 2010 trip to Africa. We were asked what we expect to happen or what we want to gain from this trip. I said that I expect to
increase my faith. I cannot say that I walked away from the trip in September with much of an increase in
faith but, what I did gain from the trip was a growing desire and passion to go back to Africa...not knowing that my return to Africa would force me to
increase me faith since I have no income
. Funny how things all come together, isn't it? I love God. :) Since I recognized I'm stepping out in
faith by continuing this
journey, God has literally shown me
faith everywhere I go. Stay tuned for a blog on
To conclude, I would not have continued this journey if I was not pursuing Him. By pursuing Him, I sought His guidance in my decision and it is evidenced that He heard me and answered. I pursued Him by reading His word, praying, and trusting Him. Pursuing Him takes action, faith, and trust. My prayer is that you would be encouraged by God's immense power in this journey I'm on and pursue Him more by seeking His guidance in every aspect of your life, especially big things. He is faithful and will speak to you, if you come to Him. You've got to take the first step though...pursue Him.
*If you want to learn more about the organization that I embark on this
journey with, visit their website at
http://www.crossconnectionoutreach.org/ and/or
watch this
video that videographer from my team put together. It is only the first part of the trip, and a lot of it is the safari-but if you choose to bypass that go to the 8 minute marker and that shows my team in Swaziland for our first Bible distribution. Just click on this link and enjoy a taste of Africa:
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